Low libido - Vitality Hormone Center

What is low libido?

Low libido refers to a decreased interest in sexual activity. It is also called low sex drive or hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). Many factors can contribute to low libido including:

Medical conditions: Chronic illnesses (diabetes, high blood pressure, arthritis), cancer, and autoimmune diseases can contribute to fatigue, pain, stress and low libido. Treating the underlying condition may help.

Medications: Many common medications like antidepressants, blood pressure meds, and antihistamines list low libido as a side effect. Talk to your doctor about alternatives if this is impacting you.

Mental health issues: Depression, anxiety, PTSD, and stress negatively impact sexual desire for many. Working with a mental health professional and practicing good self-care helps counteract this.

Age: Menopause leads to a natural decrease in estrogen causing vaginal dryness and decreased arousal in women. However, men also often notice a gradual decline in libido with age, typically after age 40.

Relationship issues: Unresolved conflict, poor communication, infidelity or lack of intimacy with a partner can diminish desire. Couples counseling or sex therapy helps navigate these complex dynamics.

The good news? There are many lifestyle changes and treatments that can rekindle sexual desire including:

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